Covenant Classical School

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The Magnificent Mission

"Start something you cannot finish and give yourself to it for the length of your days.” – Al Mohler

"Think of the mission of classical education like a cathedral which took several generations to build."– Josh Gibbs

Look at the splendor of the cathedral. If you stand in front of the structure and look up, you see its spires reaching to the heavens — pointing upward to God. You see intricate flying buttresses that offer structural support. You see overwhelming beauty that leads your heart to worship our Creator. It is a magnificent sight.

As we open the beautifully-carved wooden cathedral doors, the mission becomes more evident — the purpose and point of it all. The beauty is inspiring, yes, but there is also a unity and a grandeur that is transcendent. You see the stained-glass windows telling the stories of Scripture. You see ornate symbolic structures beautifully wrought. And you see the soaring heights of the vaulted ceiling. There is an eternal timelessness that declares you are part of something that is bigger than yourself.

Architectural plans for the building of the structure were created before any brick or mortar were laid. When the building began, every bolt and beam were placed with intentionality and design. The strong foundation was securely laid. The flying buttresses enabled the structure to achieve previously-unattainable heights and the use of more glass than stone — allowing light to flood the cathedral. The inspired plan was executed with the highest degree of expertise and vision.

Such is the mission of a school. It has proper foundations from the outset. The mission of the school is the purpose, the point, and the plan. It is the foundation, the nuts and bolts, and the beauty and beams. It is why we were formed, what we do now, and what we will continue to do in the future to keep and maintain our mission.

Our school’s mission states: "Covenant Classical School’s mission is to train our students to live and think according to a biblical, Christ-centered worldview. We partner with parents to provide a rigorous, classical education that instills a lifelong love of learning."

Over the summer, we will look at the components of our school’s mission written in a series of blogs by several of our faculty members. We hope you will enjoy looking at the “why” of our mission – why we do what we do – for students both now and for future generations. Join us on this magnificent mission!

by Stephanie Boss, CCS 5th Grade Teacher